A Dream Team of Nobel Laureates has found the key to unlocking a new level of immunity — so you can achieve long-lasting protection.

Nobel Laureates Use Shocking Telomere Technology to

Triple Your Immune Super Cells

While the world fixates on fleeting medical trends…

A monumental breakthrough is achieving VICTORY for the immune system. And it isn’t some billion-dollar immune-booster concocted by Big Pharma.

Instead, a Dream Team of Nobel Laureates has found a groundbreaking key to a new level of immunity…

So you can achieve lasting support for a robust immune response. And it’s already inside your own cells. Laying dormant… Waiting to unleash your body’s total immune power… And feel confident going about your daily routine.

I call this

Shield Immunity

Think about a world where your immune system is primed and ready for everyday challenges.

And while they say your immune system can’t handle the normal insults it was meant to deal with.

That your only choice is to wait for them to offer a “solution” — but it turns out your body had the innate ability to support your health all along.

With “Shield Immunity” that world is within reach.

That means there’s no need to lose sleep.

You can assist your God-given immune power to do what it was designed to do – stand strong against daily health challenges.

You’ll no longer have to hope and pray for anyone to come to your aid.

The solution is already here. It is supporting healthy lives, and it can do the same for you today.

How can I be so certain? Because…

As a Medical Doctor who has witnessed the impact of modern health methods firsthand… I can attest to the power of  “Shield Immunity.”

My patients and I are on the front lines. We support our health so we can keep our choices in our own hands… and we’ve built our own “Shield Immunity.” And the results have been breathtaking.

I’ve seen over 23,000 patients of all ages… 50 and older and all the way up to 100 years old… from all walks of life and various backgrounds.

And I can tell you virtually all of them enjoy year-round super health.

We have been able to build robust lungs by creating custom protocols for each patient’s needs. The stronger your lungs are, the more youthful you are in many other respects, including the strength of your immune system.

We think of the lungs and the heart as one, in order to focus on building a bigger cardiopulmonary capacity, which we then measure.

When we improve those, there are other surprising improvements that come along such as better mood, sharper memory, and greater strength.

There's a Youthful Kind of Invincibility About Their Immune Systems

Not only do they have more energy, but that deep, clear breath that comes from building pulmonary capacity also affects their mood. They are in better spirits.

You can’t help but recognize it in the patient population that comes back for their follow-ups. And most importantly, they’re not concerned about their health or the health of their loved ones.

Through custom protocols and specific Primal Force supplements, I’ve seen encouraging results in my practice for years — they’ve all achieved a measurably higher level of immunity.

My patients achieved younger immune age, on average of 13 years younger, to be exact. And for some patients, it was much more than that.

This shows how my patients in an ongoing user study achieved a younger immune age — an average of 13 years younger to be exact — based on key biomarkers. And for some patients it was much more.

Years of Immune Aging Improved

Sears Institute for Anti-Aging Medicine Core Study Group > 200 Telomere Test Patients

The average “biological age” of the study group was 59 years old. Your biological age is a measure of how strong or weak your immune system really is… regardless of your actual age. By the end of the study, the average biological age of the participants was 46. That means their immune strength became 13 years younger.

They've built lasting immunity.

Using combined therapies and various Primal Force supplements, they’re now enjoying year-round good health, strength, and a kind of unstoppable endurance that they report they haven’t felt since they were very young. The key point here: My patients proved immune aging can be reversed as measured by key biomarkers! Among their impressive results ….

One of my patients, who’s 61, reversed his brain age back to that of a 44 year old.

He rewound his lung age back to a 24 year old. He’s improved his eyesight, lowered his diglycerides, boosted his testosterone…

He even lost 20 pounds in the process.

There’s another young woman of 86 years that’s even more remarkable.

Originally she had the heart of a 100 year old…

But two years later on this program, she reversed her heart age by 23 years.

Her brain is nearly a decade younger and her lungs are an astonishing 27 years younger.

I’m in my 60s, yet I feel like I have the immune system of a 20 year old… The lungs of someone half my age…And the heart of a 27 year old.

And the reason I’m telling you this is because my age-reversing medical protocol has also been shown to increase the strength of the immune system. Now, why is that so important? Because …

If There's One System We Need to Keep Young, It's Our Immune System

I’m not referring to the kind of immunity you get from a vaccine… or even the kind you’ll get from contracting an infectious agent and building antibodies.

This is a different kind of immunity that I’ll get to in a minute. It’s been decades in the making.

It’s an immune cell technology that’s making this all possible. And you don’t need to visit my Institute to get your hands on it, you don’t even have to leave your home.

I’ve logged thousands of hours of research and studies working alongside some of the leading minds in regenerative medicine and anti-aging, and together we’ve discovered, tested, refined, and improved new cellular mechanisms that can support your health in the optimal range, especially when it comes to the strength of your immune system.

I’ve conducted user studies on some of the most powerful ingredients and my own protocols.

After all this trial testing and calibrating… ruling out all the false positives and honing in on the cream of the crop, one technology has stood out head and shoulders above the rest.

Finally, I Can Say With Certainty, the Answer We've Been Searching for Is Here...

…and I’m not talking about the antibody system — this is much bigger.

This discussion around the antibodies that you see in the news every day is reaching a new level of hype that really misinforms people, as if that were their only option.

If you don’t know, antibodies are the proteins generated by your immune system to help keep you healthy.

You can easily get an antibody test. Many researchers call an antibody test the Holy Grail of immunity, but I think they’re dead wrong and my results prove it.

They’re missing the big picture.

You see, antibodies are only one small part of your immune system and far from the most important part. They belong to the circulatory half of your immune system, along with what we call the B cells and the macrophages.

Those are the cells that run around and gobble up undesirable particles and unwanted invaders.

But these cells don’t run your immune system. They are not the master control switch; they are a secondary system that comes into play to assist the primary system.

So, what is the primary system?

It is the master commander of all your immune operations. It’s the brains of the entire project.

This is your built-in immunity for everything.

And the key to building lasting immunity at any age is not about antibodies. They fade.

It’s about your cellular immunity.

I'm Talking About T cells

This is the innate part of your immune system, the “Immune Shield,” and it’s your frontline defense.

It plays a vital role in the immune system’s rapid, effective response.

This is the immune defense that you are born with.

T cells swarm unwanted invaders because they are powerful, specialized killers.

Once they’ve done that, they transform into a kind of wise veteran for your immune system.

They keep a record. They remember all past foreign invaders and insults keeping your immune system fine-tuned and smart.3

They originate in bone marrow, mature in the thymus, and recognize unhealthy and foreign entities right away.

Then they coordinate the antibodies and other parts of the immune system to rapidly respond to and destroy any unhealthy tissue that might have the bad luck of returning to your body.

This makes them the highest rank in your body’s army.

Finally, the world's top universities agree ...

“They’re longer lasting than antibodies.”

– Oxford University4

“Your body’s antiviral snipers”


“T cells offer lasting protection.”

– Nature6

“They’re more important than antibodies.”

– La Jolla Institute for Immunology7,8

Finally, we’re getting some recognition here.

Yet outside of these narrow scientific establishments, most doctors and most people in the media and in big pharma have no interest in this.

And for the most part, they are ignorant, but there is a problem with T cells that we have come to address in my anti-aging center, and that is that the power of your T cells diminish with age.

Production of new cells declines rather dramatically, and in many cases by as much as 90%. he remaining cells in very aged individuals lose their capacity to do the work.9

Your “Immune Shield” Diminishes As You Age

And this is, again, called immune senescence.

The important thing is to realize that they didn’t die — they were down-regulated and they become dormant. They went into kind of a sleeping state — and as a result your whole immune system kind of goes off the rails.

They need to be re-invigorated.

Every part of your body needs exercise, and your immune system is no different.

If you don’t have some kind of challenge or stimulation, it becomes less and less aggressive, but also more and more likely to have errors.

Over time, the immune system loses its coordination. Your immune-system generals and foot soldiers fail … as various free radicals and alien invaders of our modern world produce challenges to the immune system … and over time it tends to weaken it.

Loss of T Cell Production Increases Disease Incidence

This is why a way to support the production of your natural young T cells is what I call the Holy Grail of Immunity.

It’s why the media has no interest in this, because it involves a partnership with your own body. That’s the last thing in the world that Big Pharma wants.

Fortunately, I've spent years quietly innovating a way you can reboot your T cells back to their real potential...

...The potential they were designed to have.

Now it’s finally here… It’s light years ahead of everything else big pharma has ever made, and you can do what they’ve been calling impossible.

You can support your immune system at the cellular level, allowing you to stay healthy year-round – and do it without any negative effects.

It’s a 100% natural technology.

I’ll reveal what that is in a moment but first, you should know a little bit about how this works.

It all started with a Nobel prize-winning DNA discovery.

If you’ve been following my work or reading the daily newsletter, Dr. Sears’ free health e-newsletter(s), you know that for the past 10 years, I’ve been raving about this discovery.

Unfortunately, convention still hasn’t picked it up, and only my patients and my readers seem to be listening.

I even brought it to the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine. They seemed excited for a while, but then it died off… But the importance of this discovery can’t be overemphasized.

We now know the very mechanism by which your body controls aging.

It’s called the telomeres — also called the immortality enzyme or the molecular fountain of youth. And it is the biological clock.

Telomeres are these end caps on every stand of DNA and they act like a shoelace cap that keeps your DNA from unwinding.

We used to think that that’s all they do, but now we know that telomere length shows your age, just like a built-in timestamp.

The shorter your telomeres — the older you are… the longer your telomeres — the younger you are… the faster your telomeres shorten — the faster you age… and the slower they shorten — the slower you age.

But here’s the thing…

Stressors, toxins, and pollutants from our modern foreign environment combine to stress your telomeres and advance the shortening, thereby accelerating your aging.

Nowhere is the effect of shortened telomeres more important or more noticeable than on your T cells.

As a matter of fact… stresses, toxins, and pollutants seem to shorten the telomeres on the T cells faster than anything else.

The surviving T cells are then forced to divide to replace themselves.The more they divide, the shorter the telomeres get and the closer they get to immune senescence.

When your T cells stop dividing, your immune system is wrecked.

This is why the immune system is the most important system to keep young.

But it doesn’t stop there, you see…

Telomere Size Decreases With Age

Every Part of Your Body Has Its Own Separate Immune Defense

From your brain and your heart, to your pancreas, none of it functions right without strong immune cells.

Not a single system, not a single organ, not a single tissue can survive the effects of age, toxins and pollutants from the environment without the ability to defend itself.

It’s a built-in part of biology.

You can repair the damage, you can clear out the junk and you can fight off invaders. Naturally.

But as your immune system ages, it’s harder to clear out ineffective cells. The damage builds, cells become inactive, and mild tissue irritations become more common. This impacts everything.

Like your brain…

“Activating immune cells can revitalize the aging brain.” 10

And in your lungs…

“Targeting killer T cells in the lungs could lead to improved immunity.” 11

Your immune system even protects your eyes….

“Fading vision linked to aging of immune cells.” 12

A failing immune system accelerates all kinds of aging…

“Aging T cells make us old.” 13

You don't have to sit back and wait for that to happen.

We have measurable ways of slowing the aging of the T cells… and even re-invigorating your T cell production.

All the symptoms of old age are connected, like occasional brain fog and senior moments, battered joints, hard to lose weight around the abdomen, less than optimal blood flow which has so many consequences, a faint or weaker heart and the imbalance of blood sugar that’s so common in America today leading to a wrecked metabolism.

And without an active metabolism, you can’t do so many of the other functions that you are depending on.

You get slower, weaker, smaller lungs.

Fading vision can be a direct consequence of shortened telomeres. It’s part of the controlled mechanism of aging that we measure and alter, proving that our interventions produce results.

Immune aging could be thought of as the cause of all aging.

The problem is, no one’s really talking about this.

You won’t find it from your doctor, you won’t find it on CNN, and really it is often negated as if it’s a minor specialty.

If you’re beyond about 40 years old, you need to be concerned about this. And the further you get beyond 35 or 40, the more important and the more central it becomes to your overall health.

But no one else is talking about telomeres at all, especially not how telomeres are weakening your T cells and how your T cells are the primary instrument, not antibodies.

Cellular immunity is vital.

You can’t just add antibodies and expect the whole system to work like it did in your youth. You need to rebuild the health and vigor of your T-cell army.

This is cutting edge research.

It’s light years ahead of conventional therapies because it offers real support for your health.

There’s only one thing to do…

Put Your Immune System Back On Track

To help keep you healthy and give you peace of mind… but you have to do it at the cellular level.

And thanks to a Nobel Prize-winning discovery, we now know how to modulate aging naturally, while improving biomarkers associated with feeling younger.14

It’s an enzyme called telomerase.

If you’ve heard me talk in lectures to the medical establishment or in writing for our several newsletters, telomerase often comes up.

But what I want to say today is that telomerase is also found in your T cells.

It promotes telomere length in T cells the same way it does in heart cells, muscle cells, brain cells, liver cells, and the pancreas.

That’s why it can undo years of immune aging by restoring telomere length in T cells.

There are few things that I’ve ever done in my clinic that are as important as reversing the immune age of weakened people who need rehabilitation, or people who are just suffering the consequences of unregulated telomeric shortening… and that’s often just the result of a life that is long lived.

Over time, it tends to get to us all. We all need some intervention there to live the longest, healthiest, and most vital life that we can.

In my clinic, we’ve used combined therapies and supplements to reverse immune age by an average of 13 years.

And that’s just the average, some achieved much more.

The Biggest Breakthrough of the 21st Century on Aging

This breakthrough puts how you age and how quickly you age in your own hands. It’s wonderfully empowering.

his completely rewrites the rules on aging.

This puts your immune system back to work to keep your brain, your lungs, your kidney, and your heart working as they did when you were younger… and to keep you safe from any foreign invader that dares to enter.

It’s no wonder that it won the Nobel Prize in 2009 and has launched an entire new age of medicine.15

We now know the power of telomerase to restore super immunity, as studied by Nobel laureates, Ivy League universities, and even government agencies like the CDC.

According to the CDC…

“T cells from the long telomere group exhibited significantly greater expansion in vitro than those from the short telomere group.” 16

Expansion means that they were able to clone themselves and produce many copies of T cells that are conditioned to respond to a certain invader.

If you have T cells encounter something foreign, they divide to create a new army that specializes on killing that new invader.

Johns Hopkins found something similar…

“Immune cells age and die prematurely in people with very short telomeres.” 17

People with longer telomeres had greater immune cell survivability. The people with short telomeres, their immune cells died prematurely.

That’s the last thing you would want.

The 2009 Nobel Prize winner, Elizabeth Blackburn, reports that “telomerase helps produce immune cells and stops telomeres from shortening.”18

David Sinclair, a researcher at a prestigious Ivy League school, specializing in anti-aging stated, “telomere shortening reduces the number of immune cells in the elderly” based on a study performed by his colleagues.19,20

Scientists have discovered a chemical that extends telomeres in the stem cells of patients with short telomeres — which could help older people, too.21

The National Institute of Health found…

“Accelerated Telomere Erosion is associated with a Declining Immune Function” of Caregivers of People with a Hopeless Situation.” 22

The University of Cambridge concluded having longer telomeres…

“...positively influences T cell expansion.” 23

The immune system is probably the one system that I would want to be younger.

If I was only allowed to choose one system to restore to a younger functional age, it would be my immune system.

You never want to miss an opportunity to build a stronger immune system. It really is the “shield” that protects you from everything bad that’s looming out there.

Cellular debris needs to be cleared away so the immune system can operate normally.

Enhancing your immunity clears your pathway to a younger-acting brain, heart, and immune system.

The world’s biggest universities and medical research centers, the pinnacle of the medical establishment, are saying this is impossible in one breath and then in research they’re saying that you can support the foundations of your immune system and protect yourself. Yet they’re not relating it to real life and to the current situation.

That’s what you should be doing – doing whatever you can to promote a strong and healthy immune system.

Don't hide and wait — you should be doing something right now to strengthen yourself.

Of course, that’s just common sense. And now we have the technology to promote your well-being better than ever before.

This unlocks an entire new layer of that cellular immune power I’ve been talking about…

And that’s what you need to keep you healthy and safe. Nothing else available delivers this kind of result.

When Arizona State researchers used the cellular activator, everything changed, the results were astonishing.

The proliferation of several specific T cells increased as a result of this single intervention … and it happened in just 2-4 hours, and returned to baseline after 24 hours.24

Researchers reported a “dynamic change” showing the body was “priming for a potential immune response.” In just hours, the number of neutrophils, lymphocytes, and monocytes all began to skyrocket.

This was a total immune system improvement, and it happened all in a short period of time.

Imagine that…

They supported aged T cells and improved the aging immune systems all in a brief period of time..

I cannot exaggerate just how important and monumental this discovery is.

It restores your immunity at the most fundamental level.

This is what gives you lasting protection, not just for this season, but for all seasons coming, no matter what threats are approaching.

And get this, it’s the only proven immune telomere activator and it’s 100% natural.

Surprisingly enough, not only 100% natural, it’s a God-given remedy that works better than anything else man-designed and people have been using it for over 2,000 years.

The technology company that originally researched turning on the telomerase enzyme also studied how to rebuild telomere length and reverse the aging clock in your T cells. They tested over 50,000 bioactive compounds and eventually they honed in on the most promising elements as I’ve done in my own research.

It’s been backed up by many different proven scientific studies and the whole approach has been very results and functional approach driven.

That means we’re not only changing the numbers in the labs, but we’re changing the capabilities of the immune system that we can measure.

And as we support healthy telomeres and help improve your immune age, we can keep other organ systems running on all cylinders.

So what is this technology?

How does it boost activity and help aging, withered old immune cells combat foreign invaders so they can protect you at any moment?

And how can you get it to protect yourself right now?

I'm Talking About Astragalus

It is an herb that has been used in traditional Chinese medicine.

It’s popular in Japan, South Korea and Taiwan, all throughout East Asia — and it’s still used today.

It was also hailed by the ancients for its immune boosting properties.Somehow they knew that astragalus root was not only an anti-aging tonic, but it also helped with immune strength.

And now we know that it may be related to the higher life expectancy that we see in the East Asians and the better heart and lung health markers that we see.

It is definitely related to why we see they have stronger immune systems. Now, Western medicine is finally starting to agree.

Some of the big names like UCLA, Johns Hopkins and Sloan Kettering are using astragalus in clinical trials. They’re testing various extracts with doses of 50 to 200 milligrams – some are on animals, but many are now also testing on humans.

There’s one remarkable thing…

All the studies are making the same discovery — that from robust young lungs, to younger brains, to refreshed stem cells — they seem to find an improvement in aging with no negative effects.

A mountain of clinical research has supported that you can make T cells act younger, adding years of immune firepower to your most important system, giving you healthy, longer telomeres — and in some cases, giving you an immune-age as much as a decade younger.25, 26

Healthy telomerase activity supports...

The biggest breakthroughs are coming in the field of telomeres and how the telomeres relate to all of this.

When it Comes to Generating Healthier, Longer Telomeres, Nothing Comes Close to the Power of Astragalus

UCLA researchers studied an astragalus compound in a double-blind clinical trial that used a specific kind of extract from the root.

This study was 50 milligrams, but they compared this to other potential telomerase activators…

The astragalus knocked them all out of the park.

In just 72 hours, they saw a significant boost in telomerase activity compared to any other compound tested.

And as a result, they saw a similar boost in new T cells.32

In fact, only the astragalus compound made a significant impact on the growth of the new T cells.

Bottom line

Astragalus Is an Immune System Miracle Like No Other

Astragalus is a star in the world of natural health, celebrated for centuries in traditional medicine.

And now, modern science is catching up, uncovering its potential to rejuvenate our immune systems.=

The results of clinical trials have been nothing short of astonishing.

Participants, many of whom were in their senior years, experienced a significant support as they age at the cellular level. This is huge!

It’s like turning back the biological clock of your immune cells.

But these studies observed another phenomenon – there was support for the process of revamping T cells.

Imagine that! Cells that had been in ‘slow motion’ due to aging were suddenly springing back into action. The impact?

A rejuvenated, more youthful immune system. That’s like turning back the clock on your immune system – amazing!

In our own clinical trials, we witnessed these same incredible effects.

Patients who took our formula with 200mg of Astragalus Extract showed similar, remarkable improvements in their immune health.

200mg is important because studies have shown that this particular dosage strikes the perfect balance — potent enough to make a real difference, yet gentle enough for daily use.

That's why I've selected astragalus as my anchor ingredient in my new immunity formula...

Shield Immune Booster

It reinforces your body’s innate immune shield, supporting the “bulletproof protection” your immune system needs to defend you from all kinds of foreign invaders now and in the future, no matter what they might be.

It’s no secret why this sort of protection is more important than the other antibody related immunity and why it’s so important now, more important than ever.

That’s why I made my immune-boosting oral spray directly available to the public.

That means you don’t have to visit my Sears Institute for Anti-Aging Medicine in Palm Beach, Florida.

You can get your hands on this today and I’m going to show you exactly how.

First let me tell you, what is Shield immunity? And why is it better to do it this way…with this astragalus based formula?

You see, most astragalus products only target a single bioactive component, but that’s not the way to get the most power.

What I’m doing with this formula is the same thing that I recommend in my patients.

First of all, we don’t use a single distilled component of astragalus, we use the entire root — and I recommend that you do the same.


Because according to many different pieces of clinical research that I’ve put together — including a really seminal one from a Sloan Kettering Memorial which you could regard as the number one hospital in the world — the entire astragalus root is greater than the sum of its parts.

When they split up astragalus into separate parts — then tested these parts against the whole root — what they found was remarkable. The entire root showed better support for immunologic activity.33

Even more incredibly…

The researchers concluded that every component of astragalus has a unique immune role — much like the immune cells do themselves. Only astragalus as a whole can impact the entire immune system.

This is what I call the entourage effect. You want to bring all these different components together because together they have a greater effect than one individually.

I’ve also added seven other complementary natural ingredients that are separate proven immunity boosters for this reason, they enhance the power of the astragalus root.

And effect known that in medicine as synergy.

Synergy means that when you take them all together there is a greater effect than taking them individually. That there’s some kind of multiplication that occurs and this is particularly interesting when it applies the immune system.

The immune system is a natural system of detecting and responding to threats and in the responding, there’s often a gearing up where you multiply cells.

If you can affect other things in that chain of command, you might eliminate a bottleneck that is keeping you from mounting the robust immune response that you could when you were younger.

Together, all of these things activate telomerase, particularly we’re focusing on activating telomerase in the T cells.

They reboot aging T cells and put them to work again on the front lines defending you similarly to the immune systems that we see in the young and healthy.

Cat's claw

There are several sets of immune boosters that we put in Shield.

Persaten (nutrient derived from plants)

The next most important is a group called flavonoids.

There are two herbs in particular, cat’s claw and a nutrient derived from a plant called persaten, that are natural moderators for your immune system.

Your immune system tends to decline as you age because it is weakened and under threat. It makes mistakes.

I’m sure you’ve heard of them. Antioxidants have many different roles, but the one role I’m focusing on here is that antioxidants protect immune cells.

Antioxidants join forces with your immune cells to support and defend your health.

You remember immune cells are the most vulnerable to attacks from free radicals, whether they are generated within the body, or come in uninvited from things like smoke, pollution, or other exposures. They are involved in responding to areas under attack.

To do so, they have to venture into contested regions populated by lots of free radicals that can damage your body’s first responders. Immune cells fight all those toxins to keep you safe. Because they’re constantly exposed to toxins, they age quicker than other cells.

That’s where the antioxidants come in.

They help keep your immune system young.

They keep your DNA healthy and protect telomeres from aging … so the immune cells can do their job without premature aging and weakening.

That’s why I loaded Shield with the world’s top antioxidants.

Camu camu is a Brazilian fruit that I found in one of my trips to the Amazon.

It was presented to me by my friend’s mother — who’s also a doctor living there in the Amazon — as a milkshake. I was attracted to it’s a wonderful flavor, but it turns out it is one of the world’s best sources of the water-soluble antioxidant, vitamin C.

It has more vitamin C than oranges — more than any other fruit.

In the same area right there in the Amazon, I found something you’ve probably heard of called the açaí fruit.

It’s a grape-like berry that grows on a palm tree in South America. And it is richer in antioxidants than blueberries.

Remember, blueberries have more antioxidants than blackberries which have more than raspberries which have more than strawberries. That is a powerful berry for antioxidants.

Remember, blueberries have more antioxidants than blackberries which have more than raspberries which have more than strawberries. That is a powerful berry for antioxidants.

And then we also put something called CyanthOxtm in there — which is a bio-active ingredient of the sea buck-thorn and has been measured to hold not just the most antioxidants of any sea plant — but it outperforms any land-based plant as well.34

It’s the most powerful antioxidant extract in the world.

On top of immunity-boosting compounds, sea buckthorn also contains several antioxidants that protect the body against the effects of free radicals.

Finally, I have two potent oxygen sources in there.

Why do I focus on oxygen?

Because oxygen fuels your white blood cells and feeds the energy-producing mitochondria in your immune cells.

Oxygen is also important in the way that your immune system — including the natural killer cells — kill foreign invaders.

They do this by burning invaders with a hyped-up form of oxygen. But they need an oxygen-laden environment to be able to do that.

Oxygen also creates robust, strong lungs which are very important for the optimal function of your respiratory tract.

That’s why I recommend two of the world’s most powerful oxygen herbs.

First is an herb I found many years ago on a trip to Peru.

This root — you’ve probably heard of it— is called maca.

But the maca root only has a very high oxygen delivery mechanism when you harvest it from very high altitudes.

This plant survives at 12,000 feet where hardly anything else can grow — it has done so by producing enzymes that get more use out of the low level of oxygen… and then when you consume that maca, it can do the same thing for you.

It’s believed to be taking a major physiological role in oxygen metabolism via the production of nitric oxide.35

Nitric oxide, by the way, is the new thing in sports performance, causing vasodilation. Meaning, you get more oxygen and blood to the tissue faster. And it’s something I use for the athletes in my center and have for years.

With Shield, we use a specific kind of maca root that is harvested at high altitudes where hardly anything else can grow.

There’s another similar mechanism going on with a mushroom that also grows at high altitude – but this one comes from the Himalayas and grows at some of the highest elevations in the world.36

And that’s the cordyceps mushroom.

If you take the right extract from the cordyceps mushroom, it can do the same thing … boosting the oxygen-delivering capacity in your blood.

In total, you get...

All in one single formula and all designed and tested to support your immune system defenses.

Nowhere else can you find this many complementary, immunity-promoting ingredients all working together to build your body’s immune shield and provide you with protection against any threat that might be out there.

And I’ve held nothing back.

For the first time I’ve combined all of the most recent cutting-edge technologies in immune defense, all from top-shelf research and my own studies at our anti-aging center.

We’ve unleashed the body’s innate immune power, and you can get it all from a single solution. I want you to begin using this to build your immune shield right away.

Don't miss out on this most important formula...

I Want You to Begin Using This to Build and Support Your Immune Shield Right Away

I want you to feel confident in the support you’re giving your immune system.

Most importantly, I want every American to be able to access it and reap these benefits as possible.

That’s why I’ve instructed my team to make this available to you.

Every day our office is being asked about our formula for the immune system. Millions of Americans are waking up to the threats we face, and they’re searching for answers.

You’ve heard today about all of the incredible immune power that Shield delivers.

So the question is, for something so powerful, what would be a fair price?

Our team spent many long hours discussing this. Some suggested as much as $299.

And for all it delivers, all of this immune support and protection, we feel like we could have charged this.

And they don’t contain the full astragalus root. Nor these complementary antioxidants.

They may fail to support your T cells, reprogramming your immune strength at the most fundamental level.

They don’t potentially add up to 20 years of immune vitality and restore your Immune Shield. They don’t come close.

But the situation is urgent. It’s essential that ALL Americans protect themselves and their loved ones by supporting their immune systems.

After all, our office only has a limited supply on hand at any given moment.

And we are doing our best to keep up with demand but can’t guarantee this exact deal will be available forever.

So why wait?

Especially when there’s never been a more important time to give yourself the immune support you want..

I want to give you every health-promoting advantage.

I want you to remember THIS as the day you finally took action.

And the changes can come fast.

William M. of Jupiter, FL, says,

“I have been following Dr. Sears’ advice for less than one year, and I feel better, sharper, and more alive than after 5 years using traditional medical doctors. I certainly don’t feel 64 anymore. I feel much younger. I feel so darn good it’s beyond description.”

K.O., age 50, writes that after seeing me,

“In just 24 hours, my energy levels were higher than they’ve been in years. Thank you, Dr. Sears, from the bottom of my (now totally healthy!) heart.”

And Jack C. of Palm Beach, FL reports,

“Within 3 months, I started to feel years younger.”

In total, this is your "Shield Protocol” Package…

Being a part of the VIP Auto Delivery Program nets you even more great savings…

Every three months you’ll automatically receive a new 3-month supply of Shield before you run out. BUT at the locked-in discounted rate of just $99.95.

That comes out to only $1 for every dose of Shield.

That’s not all though…

You’ll also receive an exclusive FREE Special e-Report...

When you enroll in the VIP Auto Delivery Program, you'll get Your Powerful Winter Protection Protocol: 10 Steps to Building a Native Immune Defense Shield... FREE!

Normally $19.95, it’s yours FREE when you order my BEST DEAL today.

In this valuable special e-Report, I’ll share with you the same immune-building protocol I use to treat patients – and reverse immune age – at the Sears Institute for Anti-Aging Medicine. Including:

And I have several more gifts I want to get in your hands right away, including…

FREE e-Report No. 2: Ancient Adaptogen Strengthens Immune System and Reverses Aging

Normally $19.95, it’s yours FREE when you order my BEST DEAL today. In this valuable special e-Report, you’ll learn: 

You'll also receive...

FREE e-Report No. 3: hTERT: Youth Rebound

Normally $19.95, it’s yours FREE when you order my BEST DEAL today. In this valuable special e-Report, you’ll learn: 

Plus, order within the next 24 hours and we’ll send you…

FREE Special Bonus e-Report, Telomere Secrets Volume 5: Erase Wrinkles and Turn Graying Hair Back to its Original Color

A $19.95 deal, yours FREE if you order within the next 24 hours. In this valuable special e-Report, you’ll discover: 

Save more than $156.67 in Discounts, FREE Shipping and FREE Gifts!

And as always, you have my 100% satisfaction guarantee — or you pay nothing. Which means you can try Shield 100% Risk-Free!

The telomere technology in Shield has made a remarkable difference in the lives of my patients — giving them protection for life and complete peace of mind.
And now, you can enjoy the exact same benefits… without risk.
In fact, for any reason — or for no reason at all — if you do not want to continue taking Shield — just return the unused portion or even empty bottles within 90 days of purchase. You’ll promptly receive a FREE REFUND of every penny paid.
And whatever you decide, any bonus gifts are yours to keep. So act now…
Start living life in your prime again!… just like my patients are doing:

“I have zero problems.”

– Belinda M.

“My energy has come back from nowhere.”

– Kathy D.

“I feel fit, focused and happy.”

– Winter S.

They’re back in their prime and stronger than ever.
You have absolutely nothing to lose and only youth, safety and strength to gain…

Order the new Shield today!

*Digital E-books

*The statements contained herein have not been evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.


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*These statement have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


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