New technology unleashes your primal male biology to deliver peak masculinity, unshakable stamina, and unmatched sexual power — night after night…


See how one small step today could help you…
Imagine feeling like you’re back in your prime — every single day
Your energy levels soar, your focus sharpens, and your performance in the bedroom leaves her speechless
All of which comes as no surprise when you rediscover that… deep down inside…
Being at the top of the food chain is not some fantasy, it’s your birthright.
For centuries, men thrived as apex predators by leading, conquering, and outperforming.
Unfortunately, modern life has chipped away at all the qualities that made us so dominant.
From Hollywood and the mainstream media bashing the idea of what it means to be a man…
To unnatural stress, processed foods, and environmental toxins …
Today’s world has done everything in its power to turn the primal strength of our ancestors into fatigue and frustration.
But this potential is still deep within you… To be a man with the strength, focus, and sexual power that defined our ancestors.
In other words, a 21st Century Apex Man.
Which is why I couldn’t be more excited to be reaching out to you today.  
After more than three decades of medical and nutritional research…  
I’ve unlocked what I believe to be the secret of primal masculinity…
And more importantly, I’ve been able to create a natural solution that re-ignites your God-given legacy.
No more groggy, low-energy mornings… instead, you’re instantly awake and alert! You feel ready, powerful… and positively PRIMAL as you gear up for a new day.
It doesn’t stop there.

Soon, you’re moving through your day with a quiet, unstoppable power.

And when it’s time to step into the bedroom… you do so with unshakable confidence, ready for conquest!

Every move feels effortless, your energy is endless, and your partner can’t take their eyes (or hands!) off you.

This is what it means to be at the top, to be an Apex Man in today’s world. It’s not just power and performance — it’s a state of being.

All of it is still inside you… Ready to be UNLEASHED.

And today, I’m going to show you exactly how to do it.

The Primal Secret of the Apex Man

My name is Dr. Al Sears, MD.
For decades, I’ve been on a mission to help men reclaim their masculinity and live stronger, healthier lives.
(As well as making sure they can keep their wives happy!)
But it wasn’t until I traveled deep into the Amazon rainforest to learn from local medicine men…
And later, when I met with remote tribes in the heart of Africa… that I discovered the true key to reawaken a man’s primal nature.
In observing these societies, I noticed something remarkable: The men here live in some of the harshest environments on Earth, yet they radiate vitality.
They have endless energy, incredible focus, and an unshakable confidence.
Sex is always enjoyable and rewarding, as even in their advanced age tribal elders often have multiple wives… all of whom they keep plenty satisfied.
They don’t drag themselves through the day, waiting for the next burst of caffeine or sugar. Instead, their bodies operate on a cycle of steady power, always ready for action — whether it’s to go on a hunt or get busy with a lover.
This isn’t an accident.
It’s the result of men living in harmony with their biology.
Inspired by them, I developed a new technology designed to mimic the natural cycles that fuel their strength, stamina, and virility.
And to counter the damaging effects of a veritably anti-male modern world.

The Primal Secret of the Apex Man

When I say the modern world is anti-male, I mean it.
And I’m not just talking about woke nonsense pervading our culture… it goes much deeper than that.
At a biological level, the standard American lifestyle seems designed to deny and crush the single most important component of powerful, all-day masculinity.
Few people know this, yet over my years of research and medical practice, I’ve identified one key factor above all others.
It may seem deceptively simple…  but It all comes down to blood flow…
And that means Nitric Oxide (NO).
Because this is largely ignored by mainstream doctors, few men know just how critical NO is to key markers of masculinity… and even fewer realize how aging can affect your NO levels.
Research shows that NO levels drop naturally by up to 50% by the time men hit their 40s. [i]
Without enough NO, your blood flow suffers – and with it, your energy, stamina, and performance.
But that’s hardly the worst of it for modern western men… because the common high-carb, high-sugar processed food diets cripple NO production by damaging endothelial cells (these are the cells that line the inside of blood vessels, lymph vessels, and the heart) and triggering oxidative stress.
One study in Experimental Nephrology found that high glucose levels impair NO synthesis by up to 50% – slashing your endurance and energy in half! [ii]
I mentioned our toxic environment earlier, and indeed, Xenoestrogens – chemical compounds in plastics, beauty products, and pesticides – act like estrogen in your body and wreak havoc on testosterone AND nitric oxide production.
One of these compounds known as Phthalates specifically disrupt NO pathways, leading to reduced circulation, low energy, and poor performance in men. [iii]
A study in Environmental Pollution found that BPA exposure reduced endothelial NO production by as much as 55%, impairing blood flow and oxygen delivery. [iv]
Without adequate NO, your body can’t efficiently deliver oxygen and nutrients where you need them most – crippling your ability to perform physically, mentally, and sexually
But the difference when you DO boost Nitric Oxide?
It’s massive.
One meta-analysis published in the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition found that nitrate supplementation improved endurance performance by up to 25%! [v]

The Natural Advantage of Primal Societies

Indigenous societies, like the Maasai of Africa – whom I got to meet and spend time with in their remote ancestral forest – don’t have these problems.
They don’t live in a world teeming with xenoestrogens, they don’t work long stressful hours at some office, and they certainly don’t eat ultra-processed, carb-loaded foods.
What they DO regularly consume are NO-boosting nutrients naturally found in plants and organ meats – particularly liver.
One of the most abundant of these nutrients in their diet is L-Arginine, the building block of Nitric Oxide.
Research confirms that L-Arginine can:
Increase blood flow, reduce fatigue, and dramatically boost exercise capacity.,
Support Sexual Performance: Studies show that L-Arginine supplementation enhances blood flow to support stronger, longer-lasting performance in the bedroom.
improve Muscle Recovery: By improving circulation and nutrient delivery, L-Arginine accelerates recovery times after intense physical activity — ensuring you stay ready for action.
This is one of the secrets of native societies… why they radiate primal energy, strength, and raw sexual power.
When you maximize your Nitric Oxide levels, you also unlock the steady energy, unshakable focus, and commanding nature that define the Apex Man.
And when you’re letting nitric oxide do its work as nature intended… not only do you get the benefit of all-day male power…
You also gain the apex predator’s access to explosive, on-demand performance when you need it most… and when She WANTS it most.
No need to wait or get into complicated rituals.
When the moment to get his prey arrives… the hunter is READY.
And she’s going to love your new-found vitality, your restored masculinity, and especially your readiness to take her “right here… right now… any time of day.”
However, understanding the science behind the Apex Man and leveraging the power of L-arginine were only the first steps I took towards creating the most advanced NO booster ever made.
This was just the “1st Generation” of my formula.
And it’s just the beginning of what I’ve got in store for you today….
Obviously, this nitric oxide unleashing, blood-flow increasing breakthrough has far-ranging applications beyond just reinvigorating your performance.

After all, more blood flow means every organ benefits from a boost of fresh oxygen… and you feel that as more energy, vitality and youthful energy.
But if you’ve tried nitric oxide boosters in the past, I’m sure you’ve had mixed results
On more than one occasion I bet you were downright disappointed.
Truth is, they don’t always work when you want them to.
My patients are using this nitric oxide breakthrough to have the best sex they’ve had in years.
But I “stacked” successive generations of nitric oxide technologies on top of each other…
And combined it with powerful ingredients to maximize nitric oxide output…
Highly researched ingredients such as amino acids, organic roots, extracts and herbs that have been studied and tested…
To create a new formula that unleashes the full power of nitric oxide, and is, I believe…

My Biggest Nitric Oxide Breakthrough… Ever

And in just a moment, you’ll see why this is several generations ahead of current approaches.
You’ll also discover
I’ll reveal all of this, and more, right now.
Here’s how it works.
Loss of performance power starts with your blood vessels.
Specifically, the INSIDE layer of your blood vessels called the endothelium.
Nitric oxide is made in the endothelium.
When it won the Nobel Prize in 1998, nitric oxide was first called “endothelium-derived relaxing factor.”
And here’s part of the problem… your endothelium is so delicate, it’s just one cell thick! 
Toxins, diet, alcohol, free radicals… just about anything that triggers inflammation damages your endothelium and zaps your ability to make nitric oxide.
That’s why you need a formula strong enough to activate the nitric oxide machinery inside the endothelium.
So how do you boost the signal?
I’ll give you a hint… Back in 1999 and 2000, researchers first combined L-arginine with another potent amino acid called L-citrulline.

At that time, I looked at the research and found out that the combination of these two NO boosters AMPLIFIED the signal and produced better, longer lasting results. And these impressive results happened more often.

The overall effect was more consistent… longer lasting…
And my patients loved it.
Finally, they were getting better, more consistent results.
When Nitric Oxide Struggles to Get Through Thicker Blood Vessels, Your Erections Suffer. But Finally, There is a Solution to this Problem.

Combining L-Arginine with L-Citrulline Was
My “2nd Generation” Formula

In 1999 and the early 2000s, I created a protocol that combined L-arginine and L-citrulline for a more powerful boost that provided extra NO for almost the whole day, not just a temporary rise that lasted a few hours.
That was a great leap forward at the time.
And I have to laugh, because the bulk of the research community is still playing catch up. As late as 2017, a study found that when you combine these two amino acids it triggers a massive NO boost for men.[3]
To me, that’s old news.
Today, I’m using 5th generation technology for results that weren’t possible just a few years ago.
To give you the full picture, let me explain why L-arginine and L-citrulline work so beautifully together… Because it segues perfectly into the 3rd generation discovery I made.  

A Clinically Proven Dose of the World’s Most Essential Nitric Oxide Booster — L-Arginine

Like I mentioned earlier, you can’t directly supplement with nitric oxide.
It’s produced in the inside lining of your blood vessels, called your endothelium.
Which means if you want to be ready at any moment, you must have enough of the raw nutrients to create nitric oxide seemingly “on-demand.”

The first of those is L-Arginine.
It is responsible for the majority of the nitric oxide produced in your endothelium.
If you are deficient, L-arginine alone may be enough to power up performance.
Here’s proof…
Researchers from the Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center recruited 50 men who were unsatisfied with their performance AND unsatisfied with everything they used to try to improve it.
In this randomized, double‐blind, placebo‐controlled study, they tracked their blood nitric oxide levels…
And L-arginine increased their levels enough so that…

Just Two Weeks Later EVERY Man Stepped Up Their Performance

The researchers concluded… “Oral administration of L-arginine in high doses seems to cause significant subjective improvement in performance in men.”[4]
Key phrase: High doses.
The study gave men 5,000 mg of L-arginine per day. But, like I said, the biggest pills can only hold 2,500 mg.
Which means you’d be lucky to get HALF the required dose of L-arginine from most nitric oxide supplements.
With just a scoop a day, you could have the sexual stamina like you had years ago.
On the other hand, my 5th generation formula — which I call Primal Max Red — contains a whopping 6,000 milligrams of L-Arginine. That’s MORE than what was used in the study that I just mentioned — that helped spice up every man’s virility and performance.
But please, don’t think of L-arginine as some kind of “instant relief” that works like that for everyone…

Many sellers of nitric oxide drugs and supplements will gloss over this next point…

But you should know…

There Are Two Problems with L-Arginine

I mentioned earlier that I’ve been recommending nitric oxide boosters for 30 years at my clinic
Over the years, I found that while L-Arginine is important, it isn’t always enough.
Here’s why:
It took years of research, but I solved both concerns.
The first problem when using L-arginine by itself is opportunity…
Your body may decide to use most of this L-arginine for other organs.
So, my 2nd Generation formula was a combination of L-arginine and L-citrulline…

A Real-Life Dynamic Duo

After decades of working with patients, and tracking their bloodwork…
I discovered hungry organs may gobble up all the L-arginine before you get your performance benefit.
So I included a plan for this.
Here’s how it works.
First… When digested, L-arginine is quickly broken down in your intestinal tract and liver. It then gets metered out, going FIRST to all the organs needed for your immediate survival like your brain, heart, and lungs
But not L-citrulline.
L-citrulline makes it through your intestines and liver intact.
This is important because… your body then converts L-citrulline into L-arginine.
The result?
Your supply of L-Arginine gets recycled instead of being devoured by other organs, thereby feeding the endothelium with all the L-arginine needed to pump out loads of nitric oxide.

And the Best Part… This First "Failsafe" Works

Researchers from the University of Foggia[5] in Italy tested it in a single-blind study with 24 men, average age 56.5. They all reported various performance issues including infrequent sex and poor satisfaction.
One group got a placebo. The other got L-citrulline.
The results?
Finding 1: Only two men reported improvements with the placebo.
This was to be expected. But the men who took L-citrulline were having twice the result.
There’s another part of this story that’s really going to blow your mind…
As you can imagine, both the men in this study and their wives were asking what it was. The researchers told them it was L-citrulline.

NOT one single man went back to using their old formula!
Yet most formulas don’t include it. And those that do rarely include L-arginine as well.
Which is why I’ve included a 1,000-milligram dose in Primal Max Red.
But in those days, I still had to solve the other problem with L-arginine.
It doesn’t stay in your system long enough.
Then about 12 years ago, I found a way to fix that problem.

My 3rd Generation Formula Keeps In Your System Much Longer…

This added benefit gives you “on demand” access when the moment strikes.
I’ve solved this first problem by adding a specialized form of L-arginine called Arginine Alpha-Ketoglutarate (AAKG) that keeps you ready 24 hours a day.
Here’s the evidence: Researchers at Baylor University conducted a randomized, double-blind study to test concentrations of L-arginine in blood.
Twenty-four men were given AAKG or a placebo for seven days.
And compared to the control, the group who took AAKG had almost…

85% Higher Levels of "Free" L-Arginine (6)

More “free” L-arginine floating in your bloodstream means that, when the time comes, you’ll have enough of the raw materials needed to perform at a moment’s notice.
Again, pills can only hold 2,500 milligrams TOTAL.

Which is why they usually leave out this crucial staying power ingredient.
But you don’t have to compromise with Primal Max Red. It delivers one full gram of arginine alpha-ketoglutarate.
I’ve just shown you how Primal Max Red fixes the two problems with L-arginine by nourishing your endothelium for better NO production — and by increasing the amount of “free” L-arginine floating in your bloodstream.
Now even the best formulas usually stop at these first two ingredients.
But that’s a huge mistake.
Because, after adding a powerful root extract – an extract people knew very little about at the time – I entered a new frontier of NO technology.
This 4th generation addition would add up to 30 times MORE nitric oxide than anything I had recommended before.
So what can a root vegetable do for male performance?
Scientists have discovered bacteria in your mouth can create nitric oxide too.
And it’s great news for one simple reason.
You have tiny blood vessels under your tongue called capillaries. Capillaries have small holes in them. What that means is whatever nitric oxide these little bacteria churn out goes directly into your bloodstream.
The result is more Nitric Oxide delivered much faster.
…With increased levels lasting up to 12 HOURS!
A study published in the Journal of Applied Physiology(7) measured blood plasma nitrite levels in men.
Nitrites are another building block of nitric oxide.
What these men did is consume a certain drink known to stimulate bacteria in your mouth to create nitric oxide.
Look what happened next…
What that chart shows you is the blood plasma concentrations of nitrites shooting up 30 times higher over the course of two hours.
For most men, that’s plenty of time to perform.
But if you look at the chart closely…
You’ll see the blood levels of nitrites are still increased a full 12 hours after taking a single dose.
Does this have any effect on your performance?
It certainly does.
What delivers this impressive staying power?
You Get Erection “Staying Power” When Nitric Oxide Levels Shoot Up Further and Stay in Your Blood Longer

My 4th Generation Formula Features the Addition of Beetroot Extract

Just one scoop a day delivers these four nitric oxide raw materials to stimulate the production of nitric oxide.
When I added beetroot extract to my Primal Max Red formula, few doctors realized what it was capable of… Today, it’s a well-known NO booster. There are even TV commercials promoting beetroot juice.
But as you’ve already discovered, relying on just one source of NO won’t deliver optimum results.
It’s the synergy between all the nutrients that makes the difference.
It’s a synergy I’ve spent years testing in my clinic with my own patients and my most recent NO research turned up an ancient fruit that supports the function of NO and keep it active in your body longer.
It’s the advanced formula that makes Primal Max Red the most innovative and effective NO booster I ever designed

My 5th Generation Secret Protects NO Against Free Radical Destruction 

The endothelium is very delicate and vulnerable to oxidative stress.
This is a big risk factor for older men due to oxidative stress in the arteries.
The answer to this is anti-oxidants, of course.
But not the kind you’d find in a multivitamin.
It’s a fruit that’s been used for thousands of years… It’s even mentioned in the Bible.
Jewish scholars believe it may be the forbidden fruit described in the Garden of Eden.
Greek mythology says the fruit sprung from the blood of the God of Strength, Adonis.
And the Chinese made it the symbol of fertility, promising “numerous offspring” to anyone who eats it.
I’m talking about Pomegranate Juice.
It’s a nutritional powerhouse that has:
And with more than 100 other phytochemicals, pomegranate juice is a godsend.
A study led by one of the original researchers who discovered NO found that pomegranate juice, “possesses potent antioxidant activity that results in marked protection of NO against oxidative destruction.” [10]
That means it helps NO stay active longer and helps support the biological actions of NO. That means it helps NO stay active longer and helps support the biological actions of NO.

And best yet, it corresponds to Better Performance.
In a study published in a well-known international research journal, scientists conducted a randomized control trial on the effects of pomegranate fruit juice that suggested improved performance after drinking pomegranate juice.[11]
I was able to pack all of these nutrients into one formula — at proven doses — because Primal Max Red is not a pill, like so many of the other formulas you see on the market.

My 5th Generation of Nitric Oxide Is a Delicious
 and Convenient Powder

My first-ever, one-of-a-kind, at-home protocol unleashes the full power of nitric oxide.
These discoveries include five powerful nitric oxide boosters, at clinically proven dosages — That’s 9,000 mg per day total.
Just mix one scoop a day with your favorite beverage and you’ll get a whopping 9,000 mg of highly absorbable, nitric oxide-boosting ingredients.
Why not a pill?
Because even the biggest pills hold only — at most — 2,500 mg.
Here’s why that’s a problem.
In clinical trials of these ingredients, men need a minimum of 5,000 mg of these ingredients for satisfying sexual performance.
In other words the typical pill based nitric oxide supplements deliver at best, only HALF of what’s considered to be effective.
Sure, you could always just take two of those “monster pills” that many people struggle  to choke down.
But keep in mind that would effectively double how much you spend on each dose…
…and you’d still only get the BARE MINIMUM amount of nitric oxide used in the clinical trials.
Bottom Line: Most nitric oxide formulas fail to provide a difference you can feel… And give you enough support to last all day and all night.
But at a whopping 9,000 mg a dose, Primal Max Red delivers more of the nitric oxide you can actually feel and use.
With just a scoop a day… you could have the sexual stamina that you had years ago…
This is the Ritz Carlton of male performance enhancers… It does ALL the work…
You get all the results.
I want to make sure you have everything in your power to supercharge your performance.
Which is why, with every order of Primal Max Red…

You Also Get My Testosterone Boosting
 Formula for FREE

If you want the kind of virility you’ve been missing for a long time…

You need two things.
First, you need nitric oxide to support healthy blood flow…
That’s what Primal Max Red is for.
And second, you need testosterone to fuel the energy, drive, and unstoppable force that makes men, well, men.
As you know, testosterone is your primary masculine hormone. It’s what makes you strong, smart, quick and aggressive. It’s also what gives you your virility.
But as you’re aware, maintaining healthy testosterone gets increasingly difficult as we age.
To make sure you get both kinds of support, both testosterone and blood flow, I’m giving you one FREE bottle of my testosterone boosting formula called Primal Max Black for every jar of Primal Max Red you order today with your special introductory offer. (More about that later.)
If you’re struggling with fatigue…
If you’re getting a little flabby around your stomach and your pecs are sagging… And if your performance hasn’t been quite up to par lately…
You’re more than likely suffering from low testosterone.
And you’re not alone.
Starting around age 40, men’s testosterone levels fall 1% each year. And they drop even faster once you hit your 50s and 60s.
Of course, there are modern inventions like testosterone replacement, which are expensive…
Not to mention can carry risks.
And I have to laugh, because the bulk of the research community is still playing catch up. As late as 2017, a study found that when you combine these two amino acids it triggers a massive NO boost for men.[3]
My Primal Max Black formula supports your body’s natural ability to produce testosterone not one… but two different ways.
This is how it can naturally boost your testosterone levels…
That’s why every order of Primal Max Red also gets you a FREE bottle of Primal Max Black.

And I know we’re talking mostly about performance here… but testosterone has other benefits, too.
Like giving you the body you’ve been missing since your 20s…
All of which can only create even better performance — making you feel like the man you want to be, all around, every day.
Your extra strength and energy will allow you to sweep your wife off her feet again.
It’s all possible thanks to Primal Max Black’s first-ever combination of roots and herbs that could change your virility, which include…

Primal Max Black – Performance Enhancer #1:
An Ingredient Used by 7-Time Winner Mr. Olympia to Fuel His Bodybuilding and Virility

What kept Mr. Olympia’s performance at its peak? What kept him fueled for years?
An amino acid that supports the pituitary gland and production of human growth hormone (HGH). Human growth hormone stimulates the creation of testosterone.
The more human growth hormone stimulated, the more testosterone your body makes, and the more testosterone your body makes, the longer your libido lasts and the stronger your performance will be.
What is this amino acid that has been used by bodybuilders for years to make their physical gains?
Aminobutyric Acid, or GABA for short.
And I made sure to put it in my Primal Max Black formula so you’ll feel strong and virile.

Primal Max Black – Performance Enhancer #2:
The Fruit that's Banned in Ireland

Enjoy spontaneous sex with quicker, firmer and longer lasting erections.
There is a fruit out there that grows over more than half the world…
Has been used in ancient Indian and traditional Chinese medicine…
And yet, is illegal in the country of Ireland.
Bodybuilders aren’t happy about this, some trying to figure out how to sneak it past customs.
For the same reason bodybuilders want it, is the same reason why you should want it too.
Because of this fruit’s amazing ability to both free up testosterone levels and make more of it.
Here’s the proof…
At the University of Rome, researchers conducted a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial on 180 men.[12]

After three months, the group who took the fruit saw a 95% difference in several key performance metrics, and expressed overall satisfaction.
As amazing as the results are, the way it works is just as impressive.
This fruit is high in the chemical compound saponins.
Saponins work in your pituitary gland, releasing more luteinizing hormone, which is required for testosterone production.
Essentially, saponins approach testosterone creation from two angles.
Making it two-times more effective.
What is this banned substance?
An extract of the Tribulus fruit.
Which is why it’s in my Primal Max Black formula.

Primal Max Black – Performance Booster #3:
So Much Testosterone from this simple oil

Eskimo tribes get their healthy libidos from their food.
Specifically, an oil they consumed with almost every meal.

This oil has been the topic of much discussion and over the last few decades it has proven to be chockful of benefits, including getting more performance stamina.
Reasons being as this article shows below.
An article from the American Journal of Ethnomedicine gave this oil to 48 rats over 30 days.[13]
At the end of the experiment, the rats had higher plasma testosterone.
How can a simple oil do this?
This oil is a high source of essential fatty acids.
Based on research, essential fatty acids can increase testicular volume by converting excess cholesterol into testosterone.

So, it shows… if you want to improve your libido and performance as the Eskimo men did for generations, this oil is a must-have!
Which leads me to tell you about the next ingredient in my Primal Max Black formula
Black Walnut Hull.
Black Walnut Hull has the same essential fatty acids, but double the amount when based on serving size, making this an important ally in raising and maintaining healthy levels of testosterone.
The next ingredient is another great ally in raising your testosterone levels.

Primal Max Black – Performance Booster #4:
Keeping the "Performance Signals" Strong

Paris is known as the “City of Love.”
And, over the last century, a famous supplement from Brazil, known as “potency wood,” has gotten the reputation of helping men make it through an evening like you’d expect to find in Paris.
And based on clinical trials, “potency wood” has lived up to its name.
Researchers from a prestigious California university tested the effects of this supplement, mixed with other ingredients, on a control group of aged rats for two months.[14]
After two months, the researchers found that the smooth muscle tissue surrounding the arteries and veins of the aged rats had reversed.
This is important for testosterone production, and here’s why.
Arteries and veins are the body’s highway for nutrients, hormones, and cells. If these highways are damaged over time, less blood gets to critical organs.
Making it harder to perform.
By reversing the age-related damage of your body’s highways, the signals between your brain and organs become super clear.
“Potency wood” is like a fountain of youth for male performance.
I’m talking about Muira Puama bark.
Better known as the Amazon’s top male performance enhancer. 
And an important part of my Primal Max Black formula for helping your body produce testosterone.

Primal Max Black – Performance Booster #5:
Chinese Plant Increases Virility…

Herbal doctors throughout China keep a special plant on hand to help support healthy performance.
What’s its secret?
A special flavonoid called Icariin.
Icariin promotes healthy testosterone levels by supporting the function of the follicle stimulating hormone, which in turn, encourages the ramping up of testosterone production.[15]
Which is why I made sure to add this plant…
Epimedium extract helps improve
testosterone function.
Better known as Epimedium extract, in my Primal Max Black formula.
That way, you can experience the same enhanced libido, testosterone function, and overall increased performance and virility that comes along with taking this plant extract.

Primal Max Black – Performance Booster #6:
More, Better, Faster

Could a common Korean spice…
Help you perform better?
Studies say yes…
The Research Journal of Medical Plants tested the effects of this spice on 36 mice. They were divided into four groups, with only one group getting the garnish.[16]
After 90 days, the group that got the garnish had the lowest courtship latency.
Black pepper is high in manganese and helps testicles make more testosterone.
In other words, they needed less rest in-between climaxes compared to the other groups.
You may be wondering how a simple spice can do such a thing in mice.
Here’s how it works.
Black pepper is high in manganese. Manganese stimulates the release of luteinizing hormone which signals more testosterone production.
Something else to consider regarding this spice is how well it works with other ingredients.
This spice increases the bioavailability of many nutrients.
When taken with an herb, a vitamin, or just regular food, you get more overall benefits.
Which is why this spice was a must-have in my Primal Max Black formula.
What is this spice you may be wondering?
It’s black pepper extract.

Primal Max Black – Performance Enhancer #7:
There's a Virility War Raging. Here's How to Win It…

I’ve sounded the horn for years.
Soy has slowly infiltrated itself into our society and its impact on testosterone has been devastating.

Its estrogenic effects have contributed to men becoming weaker, more depressed, and for our purposes, ruined their virility.
This is soy at work.
What’s worse, soy’s effects build up slowly.
Low testosterone can be devastating and you can’t enjoy sex like you used to.
Before long — if not already — your libido and desire will be impacted.
Here is my solution to that.
There is a substance — highly concentrated in certain foods — that can deplete soy’s nasty effects.
Here’s evidence…
Researchers from the University of Turkey tested the effects of this substance on 38 rats divided in four groups over 53 days. Group 1 had the placebo while the other groups got varying doses.[17]

At the end of the trial, serum testosterone was unchanged in the control group, which was what they expected
The rats who took the smallest amount of this substance, rather than the largest amount, had the best sperm density and highest serum testosterone levels.
Why’s that?
It turns out this substance helps balance estrogen and testosterone levels.
Making this substance key to keeping your virility well into old age.

What substance am I talking about?
Diindolylmethane, or DIM for short.
Making it an essential ingredient in my Primal Max formula.

Primal Max Black – Performance Booster #8:
Could this garden herb fuel your virility?

Growing in the garden of Roman emperor Charlemagne was a certain herb that fueled his virility.
Modern science indicates that it can do the same for other men, too.
Researchers from the University of Sydney conducted a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study for six weeks. They recruited 60 men between 25 and 52 years old and had half of them take either the placebo or the herb every day.[18]
The researchers found that of the group that took the herb, 81% saw an increase in their libido and had greater energy levels.
Even better, more than half of that group said their performance increased
Making this herb a must-have in every man’s supplement cabinet.
What is this herb?
The Romans called it “faenugraecum,” but we know it best as Fenugreek.
The Romans used Fenugreek to
help fuel their insatiable appetite

Primal Max Black – Performance Booster #9:
The "Spiky Leaf" Used by Italy's Most Famous Playboy

Classic Italian dishes like risotto helps to keep a man’s testosterone in check.
How can someone like Italy’s most famous playboy maintain his virility at the age of 63?
For the answer, just look at his diet…
Classic Italian dishes like risotto, frittata, and tortelli are often times mixed with a green “spiky” leaf plant that not only gives it more flavor but helps to keep a man’s testosterone in-check.

Here’s how…
As we age, our body has less free testosterone available because of protein-binding globulins, or SHBG for short.[19]
These SHBG proteins will usually attach themselves to testosterone cells, preventing them from being used to fuel male libido.
But this spikey leaf contains a special substance called ligands.
Ligands help keep SHBG in check…
Ensuring you have enough free testosterone well into old age without having to worry about losing your libido.
What is this spikey plant?
Nettle Leaf.
And it’s an important player in the overall health of your testosterone production which is why I put it in my Primal Max Black formula.

Primal Max Black – Performance Booster #10:
The Secret behind the 16th Century Food That
 Brothels Served?

In today’s world, it’s hard to imagine…
But in 16th century London, brothels gave out complimentary oysters.
And it was a genius strategy.
Oysters gave them stamina.
But it’s a special mineral inside the oyster that made the difference.
Thanks to science, you can have this same stamina advantage.
Oysters are a powerful aphrodisiac.
At the University of Michigan, researchers examined the serum testosterone in two groups. Group 1 had low testosterone and were given a supplement of this mineral while eating a regular diet. Group 2 — which had normal testosterone levels — were put on a strict diet that was low in this mineral.[20] After five weeks, they measured testosterone in both groups.
And further legitimized why oysters are a powerful aphrodisiac.
Group 1, the group that had low testosterone and supplemented with the mineral, saw their levels shoot back up to the “normal” category for testosterone levels.
With those results in mind, you may be wondering why their testosterone dropped at all?
To answer this, we have to go back to the study.
You see, those in Group 1 were elderly men — some well into their 80s — all started out with low testosterone and over time, their low zinc levels have not only decreased their testosterone levels, but it’s increased their endothelin levels, chocking off their libido.
What happens though, when you re-introduce this mineral back into your diet?
Testosterone production increases, and endothelin levels start dropping.[21]
This helps you improve your performance. What is this mineral?
Zinc. Making it a perfect addition to Primal Max Black.
As you’ve seen any ONE of these nutrients…
From either the Primal Max Red… OR… the Primal Max Black formula would give you peak performance.
And when you combine them all together?
The results are like turning back the clock- and getting your virility again…

More Than 9,000 Men Have Used Primal Max...
Here's What Some of Them Are Saying:

Substantial Boost of My Libido…”
“I just wanted to try Primal Max out of curiosity, without expecting too much. I was really shocked by a substantial boost of my libido. After my results with Primal Max, I am learning to believe everything by Dr. Sears. Thank you.”
— S.A., Florence, Italy
“I Get an Erection More Easily…”

“I am 57 and still ‘strong’ sexually, but not as strong as I once was. Since taking Primal Max, I have noticed that I get an erection more easily…  On the non-sexual side, I have noted a subtle change in body shaping without change to my workout routine. (I am a Chinese-style Martial Artist.)”
— J.D., West Palm Beach, FL

Now It's Your Turn…

Just one convenient scoop a day of Primal Max Red delivers the raw ingredients you need to:
If you’ve read this far, you’re probably as excited as I am about this next generation of nitric oxide. And what it can do for you.
Get the nutrients you need to
enjoy your sex life again.
But remember, this is NOT some stimulant. Rather, it gives you nutrients needed to restore nitric oxide to previous levels.
Many of the ingredients in Primal Max Red are shown to boost levels of nitric oxide and the special delivery system makes the nutrients fast acting and bioavailable.
But arteries don’t become youthful again overnight.
And while you’ll start experiencing stronger performance from day one, the studies suggest you’ll get better and better results with continued use.
I’ve seen this with my own patients as well. 

So at This Point, You're Probably Wondering
How to Get Primal Max Red for Yourself…

And how much you should take each day for best results. 
While I wish it was easier for men to get access to Primal Max Red and Primal Max Black…
The truth is, many of the ingredients are potent extracts sourced from exotic plants found all over the world
And the other ingredients inside Primal Max Red  and Primal Max Black are only sourced from FDA-approved facilities.
Not to mention, you’re getting rare, high-quality ingredients…
At 9,000 mg per day – instead of ineffective 2,500 mg you get from pills.
That means our facilities need to source and produce almost 4 times as much of these ingredients compared to most other supplement companies
The purity and higher doses of these powerful ingredients helped over 9,462 men regain their virility…
And when something works, you want to keep doing it!
But with so many men asking for more of the Primal Max combo…

We're Constantly Working to Keep Up with

My goal is to get Primal Max Red and Primal Max Black into the hands of every man who needs it…

Which is why I’m going to show you how you can get your own supply of Primal Max Red and Primal Max Black …
Which includes 3 FREE bottles of Primal Max BLACK.
And I’ll show you how you can try the Primal Max combo WITHOUT risking a penny…
But first, let me answer a common question…

How Much of Primal Max Red & Black Should
You Take to Achieve Peak Performance?

This one’s easy…
Just take 1 scoop of Primal Max Red & 4 tablets of Primal Max Black each day…

The longer you take them – the more you’ll benefit.
As you age, your endothelium gets hit by damage and inflammation… that’s bad news, because remember your endothelium is only one cell thick!
The longer you take Primal Max Red, the more nitric oxide it pumps out as it starts to recover and grow stronger
And the longer you take Primal Max Black, the higher your average daily testosterone gets as your body gets back into the habit of making more of your manhood hormone.
That’s why I always recommend you take it for at least 30 days to get a feel for what it will do for you…
You can take Primal Max Red and Primal Max Black every day for about the price of a cappuccino at Starbucks…
COMPLETELY risk-free.
But I recommend you act quickly.
I want to get this powerful, performance-boosting COMBO of Primal Max Red and Primal Max Black in your hands right now…
So, for your sake, take a minute and secure your order now.
I’m making it as EASY as possible because you’re new to Primal Max Red and Primal Max Black
Today, I showed you how Primal Max Red helps you reclaim your manhood…
And increases blood flow — giving you improved performance…
So, I’m sure you can understand why my Executive Board at Primal Force, Inc. wanted to set the price at $249 per bottle.
Which, I think is fair… Given the poor-quality alternatives out there!
Plus, you’re getting a dose of 9,000 mg of the potent ingredients inside Primal Max Red…
nstead of the usual 2,500 mg where most other pills top off. (And these pills that hold 2,500 mg are HUGE… they’re like horse pills.)
Listen, I’ve been a doctor for 30 years now and helped well over 25,000 patients.
For me, helping others regain their health and virility is part of my life’s mission.
So, when you decide to act RIGHT NOW…
And say “YES” to all the powerful, performance-boosting ingredients inside Primal Max Red and Primal Max Black…
You WON’T need to invest $249 for a bottle…

Or even $149…
Because I persuaded my team to bring the regular price of Primal Max Red down to just $99.95
But today, I’m going even lower.

How Much of Primal Max Red & Black Should
You Take to Achieve Peak Performance?

But there’s more… I’m including a few SURPRISES when you choose the “Best Value” deal.

I have a Special Report
I Want You to Take Home TODAY

I’ve been researching the health benefits of nitric oxide for 30 years.
At the Sears Institute for Anti-Aging Medicine, I recommend it to almost every single patient… Regardless of why they came to my clinic. And I’ve put more than three decades of my findings into a comprehensive new dossier called The Nitric Oxide Revolution.
A $19.95 Value!
This special e-Report outlines every top nitric oxide breakthrough I’ve ever come across… And its power to supercharge every aspect of health.
I also reveal the top nitric oxide foods and therapies… Plus an exercise routine proven in clinical studies to send nitric oxide levels skyrocketing a whopping 1,250%.
The best part is it’s easy to send your nitric oxide levels — and overall health — to a whole new level.
People have paid thousands of dollars to access my healing protocols at my clinic.
But I understand not everyone is able to visit my clinic in South Florida. And as a medical doctor, I feel it is my duty to get the word out about the incredible potential nitric oxide therapy holds to drastically improve quality of life.
Which is why I want to give you The Nitric Oxide Revolution ABSOLUTELY FREE when you agree to try Primal Max Red.

And Don't Forget… You'll Get 3 FREE Bottles
of Primal Max Black ($149.85 value)!

Totaled up, that’s an insane $326.25 in discounts and free gifts.
I’m only giving this “Best Deal” package to men who are ACTION TAKERS…
Men who DEMAND better performance — without apologies.
Your 1st option is to go for the 3-bottle best deal.
That gets you 3 bottles of Primal Max Red at just $79 each (instead of the usual $99.95)
I’ll give you 3 FREE bottles of Primal Max Black (a $149.85 value) …
Plus, the book and e-Report I mentioned above, and free shipping.

Or You Can Just Dip Your Toe in the Water…

Finally, you have the 2nd option — the “trial” offer — which simply gets you 1 bottle of Primal Max Red.
This “trial” offer comes with 1 free bottle of Primal Max Black, and a shipping fee of $8.95.
While these packages are a great choice…
You’ll get the best value for your money with the 3 bottle deal…
AND you won’t need to reorder as often (and I know you’ll want to reorder) …
So, if you’re ready to reclaim your peak performance…
Click the package that’s right for you now!

You're Fully Protected By My Personal Guarantee

I’m so confident my Primal Max combo will work…
That’s why I’m happy to give you a guarantee.
And you get the opportunity to revive and restore great performance!
Here’s how it works:

Try the Primal Max Combo for the next 90 days…

I'll Refund EVERY Penny You Invest Today!

It doesn’t matter if you’ve already used up your full supply.
Just send back the empty bottles, and I’ll STILL give you a refund…
No questions asked.
The only reason I can make such a bold guarantee is because I’ve SEEN it work first-hand… and I HEAR the success stories from my patients.
And I’m confident in both the clinical and real-world results that over 9,000 men have experienced from taking Primal Max Red & Black.
That’s why I’m willing to put my money where my mouth is…
And let you try the Primal Max combo — absolutely RISK-FREE.

But I Need to Hear From You TODAY!

Simply click the package that’s right for you (remember, the 3 bottle supply gets you the best value)…
When you click, you’ll be taken to our secure order page
Your supply of the Primal Max Red & Black will arrive in a few business days.
Once it arrives, I want you to tear open the box…
Mix your first scoop with water and drink it down.
Do this everyday.
You’ll be experiencing blood flow increases
And as a result…
You’ll reawaken the drive and ambition you had in your younger years.
But if for any reason I’m wrong…
You can always return your empty bottles by the end of the 90 days — and I’ll give you every penny back!
Go Ahead Now and the Order Now Button Below…

Fortune Favors the Bold… And the Action Takers!

You don’t want to wait.
I can’t stress how important it is to get started today.
Big industries will continue dumping testosterone-destroying chemicals in our environment. And manufacturers will continue using these same chemicals in the products we use every day.
There’s no way around it.
As you’ll discover, these common chemicals and toxins do more than just wreck your testosterone… they feminize your body, turn your muscles to mush, and make you feel like less of a man
f you wait and do nothing, old age will continue to march forward and slowly rob you of the energy and satisfaction you could have RIGHT NOW.
That could mean losing out on decades of great performance…
Or living your life in isolation.
And I don’t want that for you.
I know you don’t want that…
Many guys get stuck on the merry-go-round trying one thing after another.
But I can’t make the decision for you.
I can only give you the most powerful tools in my arsenal for supporting your best possible life and masculinity.
Everything you’ve read today boils down to one simple question:

Are You Ready to Take Control of Your Manhood?

in this letter, I’ve shown you my 5th Generation formula for the kind of blood flow, nitric oxide production and “signal strength” that lets you enjoy peak performance, no matter your age.
I’ve shown you clear and compelling evidence from reputable universities and medical journals, who all concluded that the nutrients and extracts in Primal Max can help increase your blood flow and improve your performance.
PLUS, you can start using them RIGHT AWAY to restore, revive, and rejuvenate your virility.

Now the Decision is Completely in Your Hands

As I see it, you have 2 options:
It’s entirely up to you.
But if you take option 1 and end up dissatisfied down the road…
Won’t you think back to this moment?
When you had the chance to get your own supply of Primal Max Red & Black for the lowest price possible?
And wouldn’t you feel just a little bit of regret that you didn’t take this offer with ZERO financial risk to you?
If the answer is even a “maybe…”
Then I urge you to take a wiser path…
And say “YES” to the Primal Max Combo now.
If you put this decision off, you may miss out on this one-time deal forever…
Please — for your sake — I urge you to take control of your virility NOW
And SELECT the 3 bottle supply if you want the best bang for your buck.
Whichever package you choose, you’re covered by my 90-day guarantee…
You’ll be glad you made the decision to try Primal Max Red & Black.
I guarantee it.
To Your Good Health,
Al Sears, MD, CNS
P.S. — One more important thing: When you respond within the next 48 hours — I have another FREE gift to send you.
When I first tell my patients about the many benefits of nitric oxide, they’re floored.
it’s not just America’s No. 1 non-pharmaceutical performance enhancer.
Nitric oxide opens up blood vessels in every square inch of your body… increasing blood flow everywhere… delivering vital nutrients keeping every organ young and virile.
Which is why I recommend it for many of my patients.
That’s why I’ve created a special e-Report that reveals the quickest way to keep nitric oxide levels sky high.
It’s called The No Diet, No Exercise, No Supplement Nitric Oxide Trick.
And it reveals the FDA-approved nitric oxide therapy that boosts blood flow a whopping 95% and is clinically proven in studies to:
In this must-read special e-Report, you’ll discover why Ivy League doctors said “this should be offered as a first-line treatment for heart disease,” and how to get your insurance to pay for it!
It’s a $19.95 value.
But it’s yours FREE when you respond now!


YOU SAVE $326.25 in Discounts, 3 FREE Bottles,
FREE Gifts and FREE Shipping!

I’ll get three jars (a 3-month supply) of Primal Max Red for $79 each and get 3 FREE bottles of Primal Max Black as a FIRST-TIME CUSTOMER plus Free Shipping.
I’ll also get the FREE special e-Reports The Nitric Oxide Revolution and The No Diet, No Exercise, No Supplement Nitric Oxide Trick (each, a $19.95 value). Plus a FREE subscription to Doctor’s House Call daily email broadcast.


1 Bottle Primal Max Red and 1 Bottle Primal Max Black $149.90 + $8.95 shipping.

Dr. Al Sears Walks the Talk
How This Men's Health Pioneer is Leading a
Revolution to Restore Your Power as a Man

Dr. Al Sears, MD, CNS is a true pioneer in men’s health, leading the charge to restore strength and potency in a toxic world that’s robbing men of their masculinity.

Since the early 1990’s, Dr. Sears has been the “go to” MD for athletes, business leaders, international politicians and dignitaries – as well as thousands of men from all over the world.
He was one of the first MDs to shine a light on low testosterone, rising estrogen, loss of muscle with age, prostate trouble, and the use of nitric oxide to improve sexual potency.
His first subscription newsletter Health Confidential for Men exposed the true cause of these problems for the first time and published innovative solutions as far back as 2002 — a time when most doctors had NO IDEA there was an exploding men’s health crisis.
But Dr. Sears is not just a leading researcher and physician. Dr. Sears “walks his talk” and lives according to his own believes and discoveries. At age 64, Dr. Sears still has the energy, muscle mass, testosterone, and lung power of a man decades younger.
Dr. Sears is also a best-selling author of “The Doctor’s Heart Cure”… “12 Secrets to Virility”… “PACE: The 12-minute Fitness Revolution,” and half a dozen others.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
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